Self-Defeating Behavior – Why do we love to suffer?
Behavior of a person can influence their self-esteem, and it can bind that person into a vicious cycle of self-doubts. Similarly, the Behavior can help a person to feel more liberated, confident, and happier. The last post from LKKG platform was about ‘’Self-Destructive behavior’’. So now it is entirely appropriate to talk about ‘’Self-Defeating behavior’’. Sometimes people get puzzled between these two behavioral conditions, and it is relatively normal. Self-Defeat and Self-Destructiveness are two nearly similar or interrelated human behaviors. Today’s post will be an in-depth analysis of the behavioral issues that cause a self-defeating attitude. If you have any confusions regarding Self-Destructive Behavior then please check the last week’s post by LKKG. Are you prone to Self-defeating Behavior? Ask these questions to yourself or witness the symptoms of self-defeat…